Sunday, July 24, 2011

障碍 On the Wall

让他还是钉在墙上 可就缺乏重新把手垫在上面画的动力呢 ~
•in the barrier of continue it...I'm going to finish it, have to.


六条 九条 十一条 十二条
还有吗 还有吗
鱼妈妈作了最后暗示 跳出水面
啊!!! 我生完了!
•Six Nine Eleven Twelve
Some more? Any more?
There is twelve new baby fishes born in today

Saturday, July 9, 2011

BERSIH2.0 Walk for Democracy


长这么大以来 不太关心国内新闻 太混乱错象太多谎言一层层难揭懒卸
这一次的事件发生 让我担心在富都的家人 让我祝福参与的朋友平安
七零九 黄道吉日 十万人上道
•709 My friend came back from the demonstration
and below is what he would like to share:
1 Tens thousands of crowd can be very peaceful;
2 Disturbance's cause may from the police;
3 Justice people can’t be threatened and bullied;
4 Fuzzy Malaysia today became clear;
5 Our government is very dissapointed.

Monday, July 4, 2011

小虎哥 Little Baby Hobbes

小虎哥是友人委托给男友定制的拌手娃娃。是第一只正式委托完成的手缝娃娃呢^.^谢谢友人的信任 看见她满意的笑 是继续的动力 谢谢你Joanne.• Lil Baby Hobbes is my 1st custume made soft toy from my friend.She want to take it as a gift for his boy friend and i'm so scare that I cant fufill her request. After all, her satisfy smiling encourage me to go further at the future. Thanks for your trusted, Jo.